Ryan puts the mission in Mission 501.

About Ryan

Ryan (he/him/his) is the heart and soul of Mission 501. With nearly 20 years of experience in the non-profit sector as an entry-level staff, middle manager, senior director, and consultant, Ryan’s experience relates to any level of your organization. He is a nationally recognized subject matter expert on human service employment transformation, employee training, and leadership development. Ryan has provided consultation services and speaking engagements to non-profits and other organizations across the United States.

Ryan holds a master’s degree in industrial/organizational psychology from Southern New Hampshire University. He was a distinguished scholar and President’s list scholar for the duration of his time there. Ryan is currently enrolled at Baylor University’s Doctor of Education in Learning and Organizational Change program. His dissertation focuses on self-directed learning in non-profit organizations’ professional development practices.

Ryan currently serves as Secretary on the APSE national board of directors. Fully dedicated to staying current on research and trends in industrial/organizational psychology, Ryan maintains several affiliative memberships, including:


Ryan is ready to help.